You'll Never Believe How City Life Is Transforming Birds Before Our Eyes
Discover the amazing ways that urbanization is changing birds and their behavior in ways you never imagined.

As urbanization continues to encroach upon natural habitats, the survival and adaptation of various bird species in these densely populated areas have become a topic of interest for researchers worldwide. A recent study sheds light on the traits that make some bird species more adaptable to urban environments, providing valuable insights for conservation efforts.
According to the research, which analyzed the Urban Association Index (UAI) of 3,768 bird species across 137 cities on all permanently inhabited continents, nine out of ten species-specific traits were significantly associated with urban tolerance. The study revealed that urban-adapted bird species are generally smaller, less territorial, have greater dispersal ability, broader dietary and habitat niches, larger clutch sizes, greater longevity, and lower elevational limits. Surprisingly, bill shape showed no global association with urban tolerance.

This study is also the first at a global scale to demonstrate the relationships between urban association and functional traits such as body size, Hand-Wing Index (HWI), diet breadth, lower elevational limit, territoriality, longevity, and clutch size.
The researchers showed that the prevalence of these traits varies across cities based on latitude and human population density. For instance, body mass and diet breadth associations were more pronounced at higher latitudes, while the associations of territoriality and longevity were reduced in cities with higher population density. This indicates that the selection for urban tolerance in birds is influenced by biogeographic factors, which could explain prior challenges in finding consistent global patterns.
For instance, the researchers showed that birds that lived in areas with a narrower diet and habitat breadth were more susceptible to urbanization than others. They also found that this trait was modulated by latitude. Specifically, birds that lived at higher latitudes or closer to the poles were more susceptible to urbanization than those at lower latitudes or closer to the equator.

As seen in the findings above, diet breadth showed a positive correlation with increasing latitude. This means that the higher the latitude, the greater the importance of diet breadth to the birds. In contrast, habitat breadth showed a negative correlation with increasing latitude. This means that the higher the latitude, the less important habitat breadth is to the birds.
This led the researchers to hypothesize that this was a result of lower latitudes having a wetter climate, thereby producing lush and verdant tropical habitats. As a result, birds that exist in these areas are much more reliant on the forest, meaning that they are more likely to be filtered out by urbanization. In contrast, birds that live at higher latitudes (temperate areas) have a much narrower habitat breadth and are much less dependent on their habitats to survive. Moreover, diet breadth was more important in these temperate areas, with temperate cities favoring omnivores that can make use of a wide variety of food sources. This indicates that birds that live in lower latitudes are more adaptable to urbanization when their habitats are destroyed.
Additionally, they also found that beak shape showed a relationship with urban association that changed sign with latitude. In the tropics, species with short, thick bills were favored in urban areas, likely due to the abundance of specialist frugivores (animals that thrive on raw fruits) in fruit-plentiful tropical cities. At more temperate latitudes, species with short, stubby bills tend to be granivores and avoid urban areas where grasses are cut short.
This global study on the role of functional traits and geographic factors in bird species' urban tolerance provides valuable insights for urban ecology and biodiversity conservation efforts. By understanding the factors that influence urban tolerance, conservationists and urban planners can better design and manage urban environments to support diverse bird populations.
Efforts to create urban habitats that cater to a variety of functional traits, such as providing diverse food sources for different dietary preferences and maintaining green spaces with varied habitat structures, could help support a wider range of bird species in cities.
Moreover, recognizing the modulating effects of latitude and human population density on functional trait associations could inform targeted conservation efforts in different regions. For example, tropical cities may benefit from preserving remaining forest habitats, while temperate cities could focus on providing a variety of food sources for omnivorous bird species.
In summary, these findings have significant implications for urban ecology and conservation efforts, offering guidance for creating and managing urban habitats that can support diverse bird populations. By considering the complex interactions between functional traits and geographic variables, we can work towards more sustainable and biodiverse urban landscapes.
- Neate-Clegg et al., Traits shaping urban tolerance in birds differ around the world, Current Biology (2023), https://